Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wii Fit = New Years resolutions

My parents brought a Wii for Christmas and everybody Loves it. Yesterday- feeling pretty confident
i thought i would take the " Wii fitness test". BIG mistake.

Since i was a first time user, i had to start with the Body Test. First i put in my height (159 cm) and date of birth ( I'm almost 25) and how heavy my clothes were ( I did it naked they didn't weigh a lot) . Then  the game measured my balance. After all my data was entered, the game told me my BMI which was in the
" normal" range according the the game. 

Next i took the basic balance test that determines my
" Wii Fit" age by giving me a series of five balance tests that you must complete in 30 seconds. It took me a while to get my footing so i  only managed to finish three out of the five tests and my result?? Flashing in bright green  Your Wii Fit age is 39!!
I shook my head and slumped over in sadness. What does a fitness age of 39 mean???? How can i be 14 years older than my true age! 

Ok- so i know i shouldn't read too much into this, after all how can you measure someone's fitness level by having them shift their weight back and forth?? Right..... ??
But it did make me think about a few nasty habits i have, that i wish were good for me but sadly, are not.  So, on the eve of New Years eve it seems ideal to make a list of these habits so i can kick them in the butt for good!

In 2011 i will not: 

1. Eat an entire packet of Toffee pops while watching Glee.
2.  Skip my morning jog to sleep in.

3. "Accidentally" spend an entire weeks pay on shopping.
4. Get stuck in a Veronica Mars/ Gilmore girls vortex and stay up all night on a weekday to finish the series.
5. Fall asleep with a full face of make up. 
6.  Wolf down a greasy MacDonald's burger on the way home from a big night out

7. Pop my pimples ( even though it brings huge satisfaction)

There you have it. One year from now i will jump back on the Wii Fit board,  balance like no body's business- and hopefully, with all my fingers crossed, be as fit as a 25 year old!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Testing 1 2 3

A year of marriage has already flown by and the last time i made a journal entry was when Tuks and I were dating!
I know..
So, seeing we  spend an awful amount of time on the computer we have decided to start a blog as sort of an  "online journal"
We have no friends or followers yet- not until we learn how to set this thing up properly!
So, watch this space!

Love us x