Saturday, April 9, 2011

Girls gone mild

As a Young Women's leader I have a special responsibility of teaching the youth the importance of keeping standards while dating. This can be a really hard thing to do! Even though I am only 8 years older than some of the girls, it seems like they have so much more to deal with than I ever did.

Today we had a special Chastity presentation/discussion with our Laurels and Mia maids. Thankfully I have had enough awkward conversations with kids at school, that nothing is too embarrassing for me to talk about. So, what could have potentially been an awkward morning was actually a great learning experience for all.

My hubby made up a " Chastity curve" to highlight the dangers of going past your First Kiss. If you ever have an opportunity to teach the youth about Chastity feel free to use it. It was a great resource and it prompted lots of discussion.

I think my Young Women are amazing. They were sent to earth at a crazy time, but the Lord knows they can handle it, and I do too.