Friday, September 28, 2012

Spring Challenge Finale

Tomorrow marks the final day of the September spring challenge and I write to you as a healthier more energetic version of me. Before I get into writing I want to tell you a secret.  I almost didn’t take part in the challenge. Say what? I know, I know!
After the way I have harped on about how much I love it, you would think I was crazy.

My reason was it sounded like a diet and I already knew a lot about what is good for my body... I just rarely put it into practice.  So, due to some miscommunication about what the challenge was actually about my spirits were dampened and I very nearly pulled out.

I am SO glad that I didn’t. Once I committed myself to the program it didn’t take very long for me to realize that a whole different set of reasons would prompt me to turn this Spring challenge into a life long health journey.  

Here’s the thing- I have always loved exercise. It makes me feel good and more often than not I come home from a run or a swim to tell my hubby “ I just had an awesome workout!” On the other hand, when I have tried to diet or ‘ eat cleaner’ I have NEVER felt the same way or told my hubby just how awesome I feel.

While I know my bowl of ice cream after dinner was not scoring points with my thighs, I have always found it easier to add more intensity to my exercise routine than give up my favourite treats. I think mentally I cope better with an addition to my life, rather than a subtraction.

For these reasons I was concerned I couldn’t last a whole 30 days and would go back to my regular eating habits, thus wasting my money. However, the more I got into the challenge, the more I realized it wasn’t anything like a diet. I was, in fact, ‘adding’ to my life in all sorts of ways. To earn my 5 fruit/veggie points I had to be creative with my menu planning. I added fruit to my muesli in the morning or replaced my breakfast with a spinach, coconut and banana shake. Instead of snacking on protein bars I kept carrot and celery sticks in the fridge at work.

Another big change I made was switching my exercise routine to the morning so that I had more time in the evenings to cook and experiment with new vegetable based recipes. This was fun, and unlike any other ‘dieting’ experience I have had. Perhaps my most favourite part of this challenge is that I can look back over my week and when I count the amount of things I have eaten that have come out of a packet instead of the ground, it doesn’t hit the double digits. Even the items I consider as ‘packeted things’ such as – organic muesli, canned tomatoes, canned chickpeas and lentils, organic yogurt, curry paste and oyster sauce are all really healthy.

On top of learning to really love my food and the eating process here’s what I gained:

Energy. In my 4 years of teaching I have come to expect that 3:20pm last period slump. To deal with this in the past I have either gone into my classroom to lie under my desk for a few minutes (so sad, but true), or willed myself to keep my eyes open long enough to plan for the next day.  However, after a few weeks of adding more vegetables into my diet and taking out some of the crap my body doesn’t need, I found I could still work efficiently right up until home time at 5pm.  

I learned to listen to my body. When I started the challenge I decided that I would stop eating processed sugar. I have travelled this road many times before and it is always hard. One of my favourite food bloggers calls sugar“ dietary crack”, and that’s exactly what it is for me. A drug.

There were no points awarded for eliminating sugar so I easily could have had some if I wanted to, but what I came to learn is that my body didn’t really want it at all. I’m not saying I didn’t crave something sweet, I did, but my body did not miss the taste of processed sugar. My baking repertoire has expanded to include ingredients such as agave nectar and cacao powder, which provide that rich sweet taste minus the harmful effects. The best thing about using so many whole, natural ingredients in my baking is that my body knows when it has had enough. Last week I made raw brownie, and unlike brownie I have made in the past, it was impossible to overeat it.

My pants are looser. Disclaimer – If you have a high opinion of me then don’t read this paragraph because I am sinking to an all time low. This paragraph also contains references to nudity.

When I started this challenge I told myself I was going for optimal health, not optimal size so the weight loss didn’t matter. However, there is so much motivating power in being able to actually SEE results. After Week 2 I noticed that my blue dress trousers were really baggy. I looked ridiculous, but for the first time thought that maybe I could actually have a chance at winning this challenge!

Since then, the final weigh in has been at the front of my mind. I have followed the points chart to a T, yet my weight hasn’t dropped as much as I would have liked. On Monday I weighed in at 62.4 kilo’s. That’s 4 kilo’s down from the start of the month and at any other time in my life I would be ecstatic with these results but, because I know there will be other contestants who have lost more than that, I felt disappointed.

I sat on my sofa Tuesday night concocting ways to drop another 2 kilo’s during the week. Go back to three shakes a day….. completely dehydrate myself over the weekend…… (hitting rock bottom now) weigh myself naked! Suffice to say, this was not one of my finer moments.

I had a really good talk with my realist hubby. He gave me one of his usual pep talks “At the end of the day the scales do not measure fat. The amount you currently have, or the amount you’ve lost through changing your diet. Most of that weight on the scale will be muscle. Don’t worry so much about the number, instead focus on all the positive things you have gained from this.”

He was right. If I focus solely on the competition I will have lost sight of the true meaning of the challenge, which is health.  I already have so much to be proud of, and can honestly say I am happier now than I was a month ago having completed my half marathon. More than anything, the last month has given me greater respect for my body, so I guess I am already a winner.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Where have you been?

I know, I really shouldn't be asking where you have been I should be saying where have I been?
To cut a long story short, I am in the final week of my detox and it is hard. So hard that I caved. I ATE CHOCOLATE. That evil, health destroying, sweet, scrumptious snack.

I thought that maybe afer a month of not eating sugar, it would loose it's appeal and I could say no when it called out to me. But of course, I couldn't say no and it still tasted mighty good.
Do I regret it?  Not really. I guess that's the glory of this spring contest. You can have a bomb of a day and just start over the next day. Every day I am free to earn as many points as I can and I guess I could justify by saying I have exercised twice as much as what was on my points sheet.

So, tonight I shrug off the feelings of defeat and guilt and look forward to the new day!

For some reason I can't load the rest of my 10 day body challenge, but if you are interested in doing this challenge for yourself you can download it here:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 2-5

So.. my 10 day challenge is going to take slightly longer than 10 days because I keep forgetting to write in my journal! I will start day 5 tomorrow. Here's what you missed:

 I asked my hubby to help me out with this one, and he wrote a beautiful list of qualities starting with confidence ending with assertiveness. What was so great is that nothing he mentioned had a thing to do with my physical appearance. 

 This was a hard one for me. No fat talk.. for a whole day! When you really focus on your thoughts you realize just how much you put yourself down! Not good.

Day four was so FUN! We all know how good it feels to receive a compliment, but it feels even better when you give one out. I believe that everything we put out into the universe comes back to us, multiplied. So when we make positive, uplifting statements about others we are rewarded with warm feelings too! I think I'll continue this challenge throughout the rest of my 6 days.

If you want to take part in the challenge you can read about it properly here:

CHALLENGE - Recapturing Beauty

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Recapturing beauty

I am now 11 days into my September spring clean and have already noticed significant changes in my body. My skin is clearer, my pants are a little looser and my system works the way it is supposed to. This physical change has kept me motivated to make good food and lifestyle choices.  However,  I have noticed that once I start focusing on only the physical aspects of being healthy (losing weight, looking toned) I start obsessing, and that isn’t healthy. When I first started the challenge I did tell myself that my goal was for optimal health, not optimal size.

So like I said, I have the physical part down. To take care of my emotional/spiritual needs I am going to complete the 10 Day Body Challenge run by BYU. Each day there is a new challenge to complete that focuses on recapturing your true beauty, and a journal prompt.
I encouraged my Laurels to do it with me as I think it’s a fantastic personal project option for Divine nature. We completed the first day together which is all about breathing kindness into your body, so we did some body loving yoga in the primary room. I don’t know if candles are allowed in the chapel ( Ok, I do know but still did it anyway… is that bad??)  but, we did our Yoga by candle light and it was awesome.  

Day 1 Journal Prompt: What kind of sensation does kindness bring to your body? How does gratitude for your body change how you feel about yourself?

Someone once told me that fat cells are smart- if you tell yourself that you are fat, they will swell with happiness! I know that if my only reason to exercise is to lose weight, it is NOT enough motivation to keep me running when it’s raining and cold outside. I must set goals that are higher than that. When I do focus on building strength or endurance I am constantly amazed by what my body can achieve, and that is when I feel most beautiful. Even finally being able to complete difficult Yoga poses brings me this feeling.

Something else that allows me to develop gratitude for my body is when I beat people! I’ll be the first to admit. I like a bit of healthy competition. So, if I’m swimming, running or even on a standstill bike, next to someone else, I’ll race them in my mind. It doesn’t matter if they know we’re racing or not. Most people catch on though- maybe it’s the shifty side eyes that I keep giving them- and they race me back. When I push myself like that I feel strong, and in turn that makes me feel beautiful.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Is it better than....?

Today is the day I have been waiting for all week and I honestly can't believe I went 5 whole days with nothing but shakes and raw veggies passing my lips. Can you hear the angels in heaven rejoicing at my choice for good? Over those 5 days I earned every single point on offer by sticking to the rules and as a result dropped 2kgs. Now I am totally pumped to stay on track and earn more points.

This week I can add some low GI meals into my diet, so we have stocked up on fruit, veggies and grains. We rarely eat packaged or processed foods so this shouldn't be too much of a lifestyle change for us. I feel like I am starting off even stronger than last week and even woke at 6am this morning to go for a run because I knew I would be too tired once we got home from Hamilton. I ate spinach with my eggs for breakfast, a banana for a snack, salad for lunch and with dinner and berries in my dinner shake, knocking off my veggie/fruit points.

However, this afternoon I went to a friends baby shower and came across the beautiful dessert table she had prepared with mini passion fruit mouse, cupcakes, coconut roughs and other delectable treats. I walked past the table and the little brown mouthed demon on the table called to me " Eat me Tiffany, eat me, everyone is doing it!".   It was SO HARD to walk away when I could see everyone enjoying the sweets. But I did find the will power to stop myself, and I did it by asking myself " Is it better than..." Over and over again I found myself asking "Is that chocolate ball better than finishing my detox?"" Is that cup of mouse better than loosing another 2kgs of weight?" Sigh. No, of course not. And somehow I managed to step away from the table and still enjoy the baby shower.

Sometimes, mid health quest I can forget why I started down the road I'm on. I feel deprived and even angry that I can't have whatever it is that I want. But, do I really want it? I'm going to use that little trick any time I feel tempted this month " Is (insert demonic thing that's talking to me from the cupboards) better than ( my goal).

If you are struggling, maybe you could try it too! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

On the downward slope

I am proud to say I made it past hump day without any deviation from my prescribed meal plans! One thing I have noticed since doing this detox is that I used to eat to fill the time .Now that I can't go to the fridge when I'm bored I have to find other things to do! Tonight that meant hitting the gym for a workout. I did boxing last night and RPM tonight. I am only supposed to be doing moderate exercise, but I am the type of person who likes to do it once and do it right. I like to feel " spent" after a workout- going for a half hour walk on the treadmill just doesn't cut it!

What was a double bonus about heading to the gym was that it forced me to drink an extra 750ml of water that I probably wouldn't have had otherwise. This has bumped today's water intake to well over 2 Litres.

Breakfast: Strawberry shake
Snack: Chocolate bar ( That i had frozen in the freezer. Took much longer to eat and I enjoyed it more)
Lunch: Chocolate shake with a banana
Snack: Peanut butter bar
Dinner: Broccoli, green beans and avocado salad 
Treat: Vanilla shake with a touch of cinnamon

50 mins of spin class
I went to the MAC sale at Estee Lauder for some retail therapy

My biggest challenge so far has been not having something to eat after dinner. I have a bad habit of heading to the fridge around 9pm for a snack. It is especially hard when your hubby sits there with treats that you aren't allowed to join him in! How do I combat this challenge? By going to the kitchen and filling my water bottle!

Yesterday, when my colleges were snacking around me I quenched my need for chocolate by sipping water. Then, when everyone complained about how much their stomach hurt from eating too much chocolate, I smiled and felt proud that I had conquered the evil post- lunch munchie demon. Now, my only challenge is having to get up to pee about 3 times during the night from drinking so much water!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dang you chocolate!

Today I am posting early, to give my hands something to do!
Anyone who has tried to change a habit knows it’s an uphill battle. And I’ll tell you this, today has been like climbing a mountain as I am working on becoming a little healthier. Monday and Tuesday were fine, but the hardest part has hit today when EVERYBODY around me is eating and drinking what I want.

I’ll be the first to admit, I may….or may not.. have a bit of a sugar problem. I like-no, LOVE chocolate. In fact, I don’t like to go a day without having some sort of chocolatey substance inside me. Yum, yum, YUM! Just writing this post is making my mouth water for the creamy, decadent taste of CHOCOLATE.

See what I mean? I may… or may not… be an addict.

Here’s a handy tip for anyone doing the detox: NEVER open the box of fundraiser chocolates that your boss has brought to work just to “look”. The chocolates will still be there and they will try and talk you into taking one out.
I am determined to finish this detox so have locked myself away in my classroom until It’s time to go home!

Just do it!

Tonight was exciting, because I got to meet a few of the other participants doing the " Spring Challenge".  It is a well known truth that people who develop a support group or immerse themselves in a circle of people who have the same goals, are more likely to meet their end goals. It was exactly the boost I needed at the end of Detox Day 2, to take me through to hump day. This morning I was questioning how I was going to manage the entire week on shakes and bars, but after tonight I am back in the game. Because let's face it, I love a good competition!

Besides meeting the other participants and organizers, April Ieremia spoke to us about how she lost a whopping 30kgs in 30 weeks. There were two tips that she shared that helped renew my dedication to fitness. They were:

1. Drink plenty of water. She recommends 3 litres a day! Last week I forgot to take my water bottle to school, and was totally run off my feet that I forgot to drink water... all day long! By the time afternoon hit I felt sluggish, nauseated and tired. Not to mention I had an overwhelming case of dry cotton mouth. So let's take April's advice and drink up!

2. When your lazy and you know it ( don't clap your hands) just do it! Have you had days when you don't care about even getting up, let alone working out? I have... I know I feel like that mostly around my " time of the month" when I am tired and bloated. But, I have found that when I convince myself to get up and get going, by the time I finish my workout I feel awesome! I then try to hold on to that memory for the next time I feel like a giant pile of crap.

So, the update on my Detox:

Breakfast: Strawberry shake
Snack: Nutrition bar
Lunch: Vanilla shake with slices of mango
Snack: Nutrition bar
Dinner: Sliced carrot, cauliflower, red capsicum, green beans
Dessert/Snack: Chocolate shake

1/2 hour Yoga
Took the Young Women for their youth night- ( dragged them into my detox plan by making them do yoga)
10 minutes of meditation/relaxation after work

Side effects
I will spare you the details and simply say my digestive system is functioning

Monday, September 3, 2012

Shout Hooray, today is the day. It's Monday. Detox day!

Spring is upon us and I can't think of a better way to welcome in the new season than doing a bit of spring cleaning. I'm not talking about dusting behind the bookshelf, I'm talking about a cleanse of the body and soul.

But more on that in a minute.

A few months ago I went to one of Dr Libby Weaver's seminars ( by the way I  love that woman) and she mentioned that the only minerals or supplements that she would touch are the Usana brand. So, I invested in some multi vitamins and have recently signed up for their " RESET Spring detox challenge."

I have done a detox before and I know that it is not a panacea for my sugar addiction but I do believe that it is a good jump start to get myself back into a healthy routine. The RESET program begins with 5 days of eating only Low GI shakes, bars, supplements, small amounts of fruits and raw vegetables. Along with the food I must work out each day for 30 minutes, drink 2 liters of water, have zero alcohol and floss. I earn points each day for the tasks I accomplish. If I don't complete a task in one day, I can't finish it the next day and count points for the first day and the next day. So, I must choose wisely and EARN, EARN EARN!

Obviously the easiest part will be the alcohol and the hardest part- the food. Over the next few weeks if you happen to eat chocolate in front of me, and then I just happen to knock it out of your hand, stomp it into an indistinguishable stain of brown on the ground and then you smack my palm into your forehead, I hope you'll realize the grave mistake you made in my presence. And then you will kindly apologize for your ridiculousness. And there will be no hard feelings.  Because, I'm cool like that.

I will attempt to update my blog as often as possible to let you know how it's going, what the side effects are (if any) and how I'm doing in my points tally. I weighed in this morning at 67kgs ( I hope most of that is muscle!) and if i loose the most weight out of the participants I could win $500! Fingers crossed.

Day one:

Breakfast- Strawberry shake
Snack- Nutrition bar
Lunch- Vanilla shake with a banana
Snack- Nutrition bar
Dinner- Diced carrot, red pepper, edamame beans, broccoli with a Chocolate shake.

45 minute swim after work
Had Family home evening with Hubby
Planned all my school lessons for the week so it's off my mind

Even though it's only Day one, the hunger pangs were definitely there. I'm not cranky or moody just a little hungry.

Side Effects
Running to the bathroom every 5 minutes plus bright yellow pee ( I know you were all wondering)

Wish me luck!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Run Tiffany Run

Yesterday I ran my second Half Marathon. I wish I could post about how much fun I had, or how awesome it felt to finish. But to be honest it was WAY harder than I remember it being.

The first 5k's were fine- I wouldn't say I was on a "runners high" because there was nothing " high" about knowing you still have 16k's left to run, but my energy was good and I was smiling inside. 
As we headed up the hill towards the rural roads, something really started to bother me. The walkers.  You can waste an awful lot of energy weaving in and out of throngs of walkers.

It was around the 13k mark that I seriously began wishing a car would hit me so I wouldn't have to complete the race...I don't know why it was so hard. I have run 13k's many times before in my practice runs and felt fine so I still don't know why this was such a mental barrier for me.

Anyway, I gritted my teeth and kept running up the hills, around the walkers with sweat dripping down my face and back. I was determined not to stop and walk. I knew that once I started walking, I would lose momentum and not be able to get going again.. I think you can see where this is going.

Once we came back into the Whangamata township I saw the 16k mark and just had to start walking. I made excuses- it's so hot, I'm nauseous, I'm going to DIE! And looking back now I am so bummed that I didn't run without stopping. I jogged a few lamp posts, walked a few and then started continuously running from 18k's till the end.. but by then a lot of the runners I had spent energy passing during the race had overtaken me.
I crossed the finish line with a time of 2:23  feeling really disappointed with myself. I know I should be happy, but I am just disappointed at myself for not being able to do what I know I am capable of doing.

So, does this mean I will never run another Half marathon? I am not sure. I learned a lot of valuable lessons and I know I could knock the socks off that 21k run.. I guess only time will tell!