Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 2-5

So.. my 10 day challenge is going to take slightly longer than 10 days because I keep forgetting to write in my journal! I will start day 5 tomorrow. Here's what you missed:

 I asked my hubby to help me out with this one, and he wrote a beautiful list of qualities starting with confidence ending with assertiveness. What was so great is that nothing he mentioned had a thing to do with my physical appearance. 

 This was a hard one for me. No fat talk.. for a whole day! When you really focus on your thoughts you realize just how much you put yourself down! Not good.

Day four was so FUN! We all know how good it feels to receive a compliment, but it feels even better when you give one out. I believe that everything we put out into the universe comes back to us, multiplied. So when we make positive, uplifting statements about others we are rewarded with warm feelings too! I think I'll continue this challenge throughout the rest of my 6 days.

If you want to take part in the challenge you can read about it properly here:

CHALLENGE - Recapturing Beauty

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