Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Recapturing beauty

I am now 11 days into my September spring clean and have already noticed significant changes in my body. My skin is clearer, my pants are a little looser and my system works the way it is supposed to. This physical change has kept me motivated to make good food and lifestyle choices.  However,  I have noticed that once I start focusing on only the physical aspects of being healthy (losing weight, looking toned) I start obsessing, and that isn’t healthy. When I first started the challenge I did tell myself that my goal was for optimal health, not optimal size.

So like I said, I have the physical part down. To take care of my emotional/spiritual needs I am going to complete the 10 Day Body Challenge run by BYU. Each day there is a new challenge to complete that focuses on recapturing your true beauty, and a journal prompt.
I encouraged my Laurels to do it with me as I think it’s a fantastic personal project option for Divine nature. We completed the first day together which is all about breathing kindness into your body, so we did some body loving yoga in the primary room. I don’t know if candles are allowed in the chapel ( Ok, I do know but still did it anyway… is that bad??)  but, we did our Yoga by candle light and it was awesome.  

Day 1 Journal Prompt: What kind of sensation does kindness bring to your body? How does gratitude for your body change how you feel about yourself?

Someone once told me that fat cells are smart- if you tell yourself that you are fat, they will swell with happiness! I know that if my only reason to exercise is to lose weight, it is NOT enough motivation to keep me running when it’s raining and cold outside. I must set goals that are higher than that. When I do focus on building strength or endurance I am constantly amazed by what my body can achieve, and that is when I feel most beautiful. Even finally being able to complete difficult Yoga poses brings me this feeling.

Something else that allows me to develop gratitude for my body is when I beat people! I’ll be the first to admit. I like a bit of healthy competition. So, if I’m swimming, running or even on a standstill bike, next to someone else, I’ll race them in my mind. It doesn’t matter if they know we’re racing or not. Most people catch on though- maybe it’s the shifty side eyes that I keep giving them- and they race me back. When I push myself like that I feel strong, and in turn that makes me feel beautiful.

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