Sunday, February 20, 2011

Taupo Relay

Over the weekend I ran- in a team of 18- around Lake Taupo. My leg was 6.1km, which included the steep climb up Hatepe hill. The atmosphere was amazing and it is something I definitely want to do again next year ( and hopefully my hubby will join me)
The highlights of the weekend for me are as follows:

1. Crossing the finish line as a team
2. Seeing Erica, Tom, Anne and Jimmy cheer me on from the side of the road
3.  Pete Jones singing to Cold Play in the car ride home
4. Chai Latte in Matamata
5. Watching the sun set over Lake Taupo with Claire, Steve and Jimmy
6. Swimming in the Lake
7. Tagging Tom's hand in the transition
8. Taking apples from the apple tree
9. Topping up my mobile so i could call my husband
10. The communal lollies, chocs and fizz shared by all

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So you know yesterday when I said I was busy?
Well, my life just got even busier.
Today I was called Young Women's president in the ward. I am nervous, and a little overwhelmed but mostly excited because there are some awesome girls in the ward.

Choosing the sisters that I would work with in the presidency was a neat experience. 
It has confirmed to me that this is the Lords work, this is His Church and I can receive answers from Him.

I am looking forward to updating my blog with new exciting experiences this year!

Friday, February 11, 2011

1 down 36 to go

I survived the first week back at school and it has been CRAZY. In years past, I have used the first week  prepping lessons and slowly getting to know my students- however, this year our school has adopted a "House/Whanau" system and I am a Whanau Dean. So this year I spent the first week back trying to implement this system as well as checking student options, confirming senior courses and applying for student exemptions.
I now have a new appreciation for anyone who is responsible for time tabling- what a head ache!
I didn't realise how busy I had been till I got into the shower this morning and saw my leg, arm pit and eyebrow hair had grown an inch long! It was like Gorilla's in the mist. 
My personal grooming was not the only thing I neglected this week. Our evening meals have consisted of either Maggi's 2 minute noodles or toast.
So, tonight we are having Steak for tea while I veg out on the sofa and watch trashy TV shows.
I hope you have a happy weekend too.