Sunday, January 29, 2012

Completed summer project

Last  year I was browsing Dutch by design ( they have some awesome stuff) and saw a really cool frame clock. I didn't have the $200 to buy one, and at the start of this year I still didn't have $200 to buy one so I decided to make one. The original clock had all white frames, but the wall in our living room is already white so I decided to mix it up.
So what do you think of my summer project?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nude tights

Today I was going to upload a picture of my completed summer project. But I think I might leave you in suspense for one more day. 
Instead I have chosen to share this:

Because it's so stinkin hillarious that's why.
Why a brown person would wear flesh toned tights is beyond me. Perhaps her brown flesh colored tights are in the wash?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My first road bike

When I lived in Hawaii I had a sweet blue Cruiser named Edgar who got me to wherever I needed to be.  I loved the times we shared together going to the beach, to Food land to buy my Ben n Jerry's or for late night Chevron runs.

 I decided it was time  to recreate that magic here in New Zealand. Lucky for me my triathlete friend makes bikes for a living and could build me a super cool bike. The complete opposite of Edgar this bike is made for racing.

I really don't know a whole lot about my bike. I guess I should. But I am still learning everything I need to know. I will get there. Mr Triathlete keeps telling me about the seat, frame and gears. I just smile and say OK- I really have no idea.

I have been on a few rides to the airport since I have had my bike but today was perhaps my most favorite ride because.. I rode my bike to school! Below is a picture of me on the way to school feeling great to have the wind in my face and happy to be able to glide more quickly than I can run/plod.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

I heart travelling

This week I flew to Nelson to visit my Nanny and Grandpa. I forgot how much I really love flying, and being in airports. Here are some of my reasons why:

1. When I travel, I am the most organized version of myself. All of my needs are packed away in little compartments of my suitcase, and my passport and travel documents are easily accessible. This makes me feel competent. 

2. Some of my earliest travel experiences took place in airports and on airplanes before I was 2 years old.That early fascination with flying has made air travel something that is generally stress-free, interesting and fun for me.

3.  The information boards with the flight numbers of arrivals and departures. It get so excited thinking about how those numbers represent a different path with a different ending, like a real choose-your-own adventure.

4 . The very satisfying feeling of being in an airport with nothing to do but wait, browse through books, people-watch and eat.

 5. The feeling you get when the plane accelerates and goes super fast in preparation for take off. 

6. The view from the plane that gives  a totally different perspective of the earth that we live on.

7. Airplane food. Cringe if you will, but seriously I do. The little packets of food all served hot. Who can't like that!

8. Arriving at my destination knowing I can escape reality for a few days. 

So there you have it. Just some of the reasons I love to fly. Next stop- U.S.A

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Value of a Dollar

If you have ever sampled the sugary sensation of a Macaron you will know what heaven tastes like.
The outer shell is slightly crisp, the middle is cakey and the creamy center is smooth and cool. There is no doubt that quality ingredients go into making these, but how much would you pay for one?

The Macarons at our local cake store retail for $3.50 each. Seriously. And yes, Tuks and I have been suckered in to paying that price for these little bundles of joy on more than one occasion. Why, you ask, would I ever spend so much on a tiny sweet? Because they're worth it.

Last year Jonathan Blaustein created a photographic projected " The Value of a Dollar" which documents numerous food items brought for a dollar:

 A double cheese burger from McDonald's

Twelve organic blueberries 

Shrimp flavored ramen noodles

Organic Basmati rice 

The Value Of A Dollar project really is food for thought. I think that we should all be o.k with spending a little more on our food. There is a lot of truth in the saying " You are what you eat." And in the case of cheap food, " You get what you pay for". Even if I were down to my last dollar I would buy those 12 blueberries over the ramen noodles.

I always buy good quality organic muesli.

I buy good quality ( but slightly more expensive) face creams and cleansers.

I spend $3.50 on one Macaron, even though I could get a snickers and coke for less.

I don't mind spending more for good quality food.

I used to think that being frugal was about spending as little as possible- but that is just being cheap. I now think that being frugal is being wise with your purchases and spending money carefully to receive the most value.
What are your thoughts?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tuesday book update

Oh how I love a good book.To throw myself into another world for a few hours and take in the stories of others. Sigh. Since I have been on holiday for five weeks, I've had a lot of time to read. And I have read a lot. Some good, some not so much. So, here is the list of the books I have read this summer, in case you were wanting to take a trip to your local library.

 1. Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

I'll start by saying I don't read a lot of historical fiction but I was so engrossed in this story I nearly finished it in one sitting! It's about two young girls, Andi who is living in the 21st century and Alex who's living in the 18th century during the time of the French Revolution and how their destinies become intertwined. If you haven't read anything by Donnelly before I suggest you fix that. Now. This book is seriously good. 

2. Divergent by Veronica Roth 

This book smelt like the Hunger games, which I loved but, sadly I did not end up loving Divergent so much. It wasn't bad but it had some serious faults that I just could not get over. I would still recommend you read it if you are into Dystopic novels. Oh, and I can guarantee you will fall in love with the main boy character- Four.

3. The Ten pm question by Kate De Goldi 

This book was 75% awesome, 25% zzzz waiting for something to happen. It is set in New Zealand so I seriously wanted to like it more than I did. It summed up NZ life well... evverryythhhinnngg waasss veerrrryyy sllloooww. Cute story, cute main character Frankie so I still recommend it. 

4. Almost home by Jessica Blank 

I didn't finish this book- which should tell you what i thought of it. The story is told through the eyes of seven very different teens ( that's right SEVEN narrators) with one thing in common. Each of them has opted to leave their abusive  home life and try to make a life for themselves living on the streets in LA. I recommend this book to anyone working with "at risk" kids, but my stomach couldn't handle it. 

5. The art of racing in the rain by Garth Stein

This has been my favorite read of the summer. I am shocked by how much I loved this book.
The narrator is a dog. There is a  lot of mentioning of car racing... and the narrator is a dog.  I liked this book so much that it made me want a dog. No, it made me want THIS dog. And I don't even like animals! This story is largely about Enzo's owners and their lives which was incredibly touching and will leave you in tears. If you read nothing else from my list- read this. 

6. The Devil's star by Jo Nesbo 

A lot of publishers are trying to promote Jo Nesbo as the next Stieg Larsson.  Based on this one story I have read I would say he is definitely close. It is a gripping, fast paced crime novel full of mystery and suspense. It is the third of a series, so I read it out of order but the story stands alone so well I don't think it matters.

7. The adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

I love my Sci-fi books. Jenna's story is completely bizarre and borderline insane, but it is very good.  Who is Jenna Fox? Throughout this book I was asking myself the same question along with Jenna Fox, a seventeen-year-old girl who has woken from a coma after a terrible accident. It is hard to rave about this story without giving too much away. So just read it. 

8. We need to talk about Kevin by Lionel Shiver 

This book attacked my brain like a virus. It is narrated by a mother who is trying to come to terms with the school massacre her son committed two years ago. Each Chapter is another letter written by Eve (the mum) who flashes back to her son Kevin growing up and the aftermath of his  actions as a 15 year old murderer. Kevin's character is so disturbing and well draw, that I think it caused some kind of chemical reaction in my brain. He gave me nightmares. Seriously, every time I picked up this book grey clouds covered the sun. Read it, before the movie comes out. 

Have you read anything great over the summer? If so, tell me what I should pick up!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy birthday to ME!

It has been about a month since my last post and I realize I left you hanging with the end of my juice detox. I managed to finish the three days and felt incredible afterwards- I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to kick start their healthy eating.

So- with that being said today is my birthday and I had fudge for breakfast and a doughnut birthday cake... woops! But surely a little of what you fancy now and then is ok.

I have had a wonderful birthday week. We spent most of it up at Coopers beach with our good friends the Thompsons and Grahams.  We spent almost all of every day at the beach because it was so beautiful and sunny. We also decided to take a trip up to Cape Reinga ( the northern most point in NZ) as it was only an hour and a half drive from our Bach. 

We returned home late on Thursday night and today, like i said we celebrated my birthday. Tuks organized a masseuse to come to the house and give me a 90 min massage right in my living room. It was heaven... we then had lunch, off to the flicks and out for tea.  It was the perfect end to a perfect week.

Now.. time to go and finish that fudge!