Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Running update

A couple of months ago, I announced that I would run in the Whanagamata Half Marathon. I would love to run the Auckland Marathon, but it's on a Sunday. The first month of training was awesome, because I was pumped about setting a new goal and I hadn't run that often since my days at BYUH when I would run every morning from campus to Kahuku. Woof. Training in the school holidays was easy, I had no time constraints and I could constantly push myself to run that little bit further or faster.

Now that the novelty has worn off and I am back at work, it's dark almost all the time that I'm not there, the rain is frequent and the mornings are frosty. It's not a physical challenge anymore, it's mental. I have to find the time to make running a part of my every day life.

The attitude that has helped me in the past is to make no excuses. If my diary says run, I run. So if I have planned to run on the same day as youth, I will leave early and run to the chapel. If I have no time, then I run after. Last Wednesday, I went for a run with Mr Triathlete in the pouring rain, and didn't get home till 8:45pm.

What I have discovered though, is that this type of self discipline is bringing benefits. Even after a long frustrating day at work, I have no doubt in my mind that I am going to run when I get home. I used to love running with my ipod but have discovered I actually run much better and more efficiently when I don't have headphones in. That first 3 ks' that used to leave me out of breath is slowly increasing to 5ks.

I am nearly 1 month away from the race and oddly, not worried or anxious. If I feel this good already, how great am I going to feel when it's all over!!!


Monday, July 16, 2012

French Fete

On July 6th I turned a whopping 26 and a half. A lot of people don't celebrate their half birthday's but I decided it was a great excuse to dress up, eat deliciously sinful treats and forget about this miserable weather. Because I love most French things, we decided that would make a great theme- everyone dressed up, we partied and then watched one of my favorite French films. La vie est belle!